Tater Trot Tracker on “Around the Horn”

As I was getting ready to leave work this afternoon, I was suddenly bombarded by Twitter messages congratulating and informing me that the Tater Trot Tracker was being discussed on the ESPN show “Around the Horn.” I called home and asked the Terrific Girlfriend to turn it on and record it, which she very kindly did.

I got home a little while later and turned it on. It was actually a pretty good discussion between Woody Paige, Tim Cowlishaw, and J.A. Adande about what type of trot they prefer, the “Savor the Moment” variety or the “Swing Hard, Run Hard” type. Besides the fact that they all chose to “savor the moment” (remember this the next time any of those three complain about an opponent taking too long on a home run), I liked what they had to say. And when Woody Paige sounded like he was about to verge into the old “get a life” routine, Reali cut him off. Wonderful. Plus, they were nice enough to mention both “Tater Trot Tracker” and “Wezen-Ball.com”, as well as the “Savor the Moment” and “Swing Hard, Run Hard” shirt slogans. Can’t ask for much more than that.

I looked around, and it doesn’t look like the show puts too many of their video clips online, so I can’t link you to any official video (the audio podcast isn’t available yet). Instead, I recorded the broadcast from my tv and placed it on YouTube. You’ll have to forgive some of the video quality, but it’s the best I can do.

Enjoy the Tater Trot Tracker’s first foray into national television! I’m pretty excited.

About Larry Granillo

Larry Granillo has been writing Wezen Ball since 2008 and has dealt with such touchy topics as Charlie Brown's baseball stats and Ferris Bueller's day off. In 2010, he got the bright idea to time every home run trot in baseball; he has been missing ever since.
